Dolphins in real estate? Well, not exactly! Clients joined me early one crisp morning with the anticipation of capturing a mesmerizing high tide on the marshes of the
I had regaled them with stories of frequent Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin sightings close to shore, and I sensed they were secretly hoping to catch a glimpse of one of these graceful creatures. A hush had fallen upon us as we gazed across the peaceful expansive water vistas. Then, as if on cue, we spied first one fin, and then another arching slowly above the water’s surface – just 20 feet from shore. We watched in awe as the friendly pair of dolphins flipped, splashed, and rolled with audible squeaks of communication while on the hunt for their elusive fish breakfast. We were transfixed for a full 45 minutes.
Well, my clients did not end up buying that home. They bought another one…only after they extracted a promise from me. Before they signed on the dotted line for the house, I had to promise that dolphins did visit the
Here is a Wikipedia fun fact about the Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins in our local waters:
"Strand Feeding" is an inherited feeding technique used by Bottlenose Dolphins near and around coastal regions of South Carolina. When a pod of Bottlenose Dolphins finds a school of fish, they will circle the school and trap the fish in a mini whirlpool. Then the dolphins will charge at the school and push their bodies up onto a mud-flat, forcing the fish on the mud-flat as well. The dolphins then crawl around on their sides consuming the fish they washed up on shore.Wow! Watch these two amazing short Youtube videos of dolphins “Strand Feeding” – just hold control and then click on the links below:
Want more information on these intelligent and delightful dolphins? Visit Animal Bytes – just hold control and then click on the link below:
If I can be of help in your search for real estate contact me anytime at 843-816-5522 or
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