Well, hello there. Fancy meeting you here! You’re obviously hungry and I can’t blame you. With so much belly-rubbing good food here in our beloved Hilton Head, it’s impossible not to want to take advantage of it at every turn. I mean, we’re Southerners. Great food is what we do. 

I received so many great reviews (and a few sauce-laced handshakes) from my SC BBQ Trail post that I’ve decided to give the people what they want again, and that’s referrals for more legendary eats. This time we’re going to go swimming in the best seafood you’ve ever had the pleasure of placing on your tongue. 

Something Fishy Is Goin’ On Here

I can say unequivocally and without bias* that Hilton Head has the best seafood in the world. By the way, that asterisk indicates…

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