While real estate in much of the country languished, sales in the Hilton Head Island and Bluffton MLS have surged above 2008 and 2009 levels for 10 months straight. Through October 2010 total sales surpassed 2009 by 26%.


Further evidence of this "charged up" market is that Beaufort County, home to Hilton Head Island and Bluffton, was the hottest market in South Carolina for the 10th straight month as well.

Last In, First Out

For decades local Realtors have observed that the Hilton Head area is the "last one to go into a recession and the first one out." The data above certainly supports this observation. A National Association of Realtors truism is "all real estate is local". What's true in Chicago, NYC, Las Vegas or Atlanta is not necessarily true in our little corner of SC. Unlike some parts of the country, real estate in the Hilton Head area has already marched out of the recession and is climbing back up.

There are many compelling reasons why we are first out. The #1 reason has to be ... we are one of the most desirable locations on the East Coast. Savvy buyers are taking advantage of historically low mortgage rates and mind-blowing prices. Many are selling low "back home" and buying low here.

Enjoy HiltonHeadRealEstateSearch.com and select a few properties you love, then give us a call. We are here to help you in our friendly, competent, low-key manor. If the timing and our area are right for you, you will be one of the fortunate ones who time the market right and fulfill your dream of owning a little bit of our paradise.

All the best,

Posted by Rick Turner on


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